Exercise Rx: A narrow therapeutic index
In medicine, the first thing researchers must do is establish the identity of the chemical compound, or drug, that will induce the...
Forced Reps for Strength
Did you know performing forced repetitions doesn’t aid in increasing strength? Performing repetitions beyond the point of failure in a...
IGF-1, Aging and Longevity
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) has become a mainstay for performance enhancement, and is being peddled at an ever increasing rate. ...
Is it a cold or the flu, and what do you do?
With the cold and flu season upon us, we all need to be healthy enough to avoid them, and this doesn’t mean getting vaccines. The fact...
Instagram has it all, e.g., losers, creepers, and douche bags
Social media has changed the way the world communicates, and the fitness industry is no exception. Social media has opened up many doors...
What Price are you willing to Pay?
The way I see it, the average person doesn’t understand an athlete who is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. Let...
What body would you rather have?
Proportion and symmetry were highly sought after characteristics up until the late 90's. So much so that many bodybuilders would forgo a...