Ribose, an ergogenic aid
Did you know ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays a part in resynthesizing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Manufacturers claim...
Fructose, the Bane of Bodybuilders
Did you know, much like the average American, many bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other fitness athletes are consuming fructose in large...
Control Cortisol with Carbs
Did you know, cortisol is considered the bane of building strength or size? Cortisol is by definition an anti-catabolic compound, meaning...
Squat Rx
Did you know that despite its popularity and efficacy, most people perform the squat incorrectly because they do not seek proper...
Forced Reps for Strength
Did you know performing forced repetitions doesn’t aid in increasing strength? Performing repetitions beyond the point of failure in a...
GABA Increases GH by 400%
Did You Know gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is a unique amino acid with an array of benefits. It does, however, play other important...
Partial Reps, or Full Range Reps
Did you know partial ranges of motion reps are equal to full range of motion (ROM) reps? Most experts have long held that partial...
Maximum Strength has Greatest Impact on Endurance
Did You Know maximum strength has the strongest influence on muscle endurance? Fernando J. Naclerio and fellow researchers performed a...
Vitamin D and Testosterone
Did You Know vitamin D3 levels are related to testosterone levels? By definition, a vitamin is a nutrient that cannot be produced by the...
Hormone Replacement and Prostate Cancer
Did You Know, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been controversial because of concerns it raises the risk of prostate cancer? A...