Top 5 Heaviest RAW Squats of all Time
These are mind-blowing lifts! The most impressive squat in this video is by Ray Williams squating 485kg/1069lb. He does it old school,...
Dennis Newman bodybuilding motivation
I attended the 1993 NPC Nationals in support of two friends who competed, Dean Caputo (5th hvy) and Steve Davis (1st ban). Many...
Dave Tate on human potential
Dave Tate is the founder and CEO of Elite Fitness Systems,, and is an elite level powerlifter in three different weight...
The Giant Killer
Danny Padilla is one of the best, most complete bodybuilders ever to grace the stage. At the height of 5’2″, the magazines dubbed him...
Powerlifting intensity
Need something to get you up for your workout? What’s not motivating about powerlifting?
Powerlifting Mentality
The mentality and prerequisite characteristics needed to succeed as a powerlifter are exactly what is needed to succeed in other...