Vegetarians, Mind your own Business
You’ve heard the hype, the BS.
Vegetarianism… …will give you longevity. …is better for your heart than animal products. …will reduce your risk of cancer …is healthier for your bones, and much more.
Like I always say, one should doubt internet sources, which includes mine. I want my posts to challenge people. If they feel the need to respond, do so with questions or statements with sound science, not ignorant emotionally charged personal attacks, as many vegan militants do. It’s incredible how much information is at your fingertips with the internet if one gets off their lazy ass to look for it. And for the record, again, I’ve never said being vegetarian is moronic or unhealthy. I’ve always stood by the science that being vegetarian is not the optimum way for a human being to eat, especially for developing children. We are omnivores, period. Humans need to consume animal products for optimum health.
What I do think is moronic? Vegetarians/vegans spewing bogus science to insist that eating like a rabbit is more healthy than eating the way we are physiologically made to do. Vegetarians denying science to be PC and fit into an ideology evades reality, which only morons do. Even more offensive, many vegetarians are zealots trying to force others to eat as they do. Why the hell do vegetarians have a total disregard for others rights and beliefs? The last I looked, we lived under the same Constitution, so don’t tread on me.
If one eats a certain way because you enjoy it or because you can't stand the thought of using animals for food, more power to you. Just don't insult my intelligence with your untenable statements concerning health. There are essential nutrients only available to us through animal products; if it weren't for supplements, a dedicated vegetarian/vegan would eventually succumb to ill health, as many do, and eventually perish from nutritional deficiencies.
Anatomically and physiologically, we are very similar to a dog and other carnivores. Unlike a herbivore, our stomachs secrete hydrochloric acid, which has a sole purpose of digesting protein. We do not ruminate or chew our cud like herbivores. We do not have multiple stomachs like herbivores. Herbivores can digest cellulose; we cannot. Our jaws work vertically for tearing and crushing. A herbivores jaw works in a rotary fashion for grinding. Our colons are short and small while a herbivore's are long and big. We have well-developed gall bladders, which stores bile and secrets it when necessary to aid in the digestion of lipids. Herbivores have weak or absent gall bladders. These are just a few facts.
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